Starting with a fresh new look I wanted to begin our website post with the most important aspect of any lab – QUALITY.
We all know that the most important part of any laboratory is its staff first and foremost, followed by well maintained and working equipment, as well as quality reagents and supplies.
We have all heard the phrase “garbage in, garbage out” and in order to make sure all of the results we are reporting are valid and relevant we must start with the quality manual of our processes, procedures and policies.
We need to be aware of the 12 quality system essentials and begin to formulate our quality manual based on these categories.
I hope by now that you have begun this manual and hopefully have even finished it and you are looking to update, improve and perfect. However, from my travels I understand this is not the case for most laboratories so lets begin at the basics and hopefully, with input from you we can compile a great quality manual quite quickly.
So where do we start you ask? Easy! The first step is your Quality Policy.